Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Bangalore (take 2)

We are back in Bangalore only this time it was the plan.  I confess I was sad to leave our little oasis of palm trees and start the 3rd and final phase of the trip, perhaps because it means my time in India is coming to a close or perhaps because I was finally settling into travel mode.  This last part was, however, the motivation for the the entire trip so it was back to airports and please lets end up in Bangalore as planned, and we did!  As soon as I saw Pooja and her family any sadness disappeared.  What fun to all be hanging out in India an what fun to do wedding things all over again.  We immediately got swept into the mix being taken around Bangalore by their private driver and having someone else say "now we are stopping here" or ordering delicious food and simply placing it in front of us.  Its nice to take a back seat but not feel like its a tour or a copout on finding the most effective and exciting traveling method and adventure.  Bangalore is a great city to not feel like you must see the sites.  Since we have a greater purpose of wedding celebration we are able to wrap things up and spend time just chilling guilt free.  This is the pampering portion of the trip we got manis and pedis at a lovely spa that made my feet feel like silk and my brain feel like noodles as casey would say.  We did lots of shopping and bought beautiful salwar kameeses (no idea how to spell that) for the wedding and when we were on our own we treated ourselves to gold class tickets to a Bollywood movie!  Gold class in case you are wondering basically means plush lazy boy recliners at the tippy top of the theater.  Not sure why that is so special but it was a perfectly delightful experience to go see an over the top Bollywood new release that was a sequel and in Hindi of course.  Yet despite all this it was totally entertaining and we got a good peak into Bangalore pop culture.  So little bits of entertainment mixed with good company/tour guides/familiar faces that make me smile.

(these are random photos I liked, the only one that is in Bangalore is the one of dosas YUM)

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