Friday, November 30, 2012

First Impressions

I made it! I have arrived in Delhi after what feels like a million hours of traveling-legitimately it was around 19 hours just in the air.  To make it extra special I was on 2 overnight flights although they were only 2 hours apart.  I slept wonderfully on the first one which was 11 1/2 hrs but shockingly I was not tired again 2 hours later so I slept very little on the second flight which was 7 hours.  Basically, due to the tricks of time change I am presently exhausted.  No matter, I have checked into my hotel and after sharing a few short impressions with all of you I will head out to do some exploring and try to force myself to adapt to the right schedule.

So first impressions, and I mean VERY first impressions since I have been in the country for a grand total of 3 hours.  I'm not sure why this surprised me because it makes total sense but still I was super confused to realize they drive on the other side of the road here.  I know DUH-still it means your supposed to walk on the other side of the road as well, etc, etc.  However, this isn't a huge problem because I am noticing there seem to be no rules.  The highway was nice and orderly but the street I am staying on seems to be a free-for-all.  Pedestrians, cars, tuk-tuks, bikers are all in one big hot mess.  The chaos is rather fun in my dazed state of sleepiness.  From the second I left the hotel people started talking to me, they walk down the street with you and chat even if it is a mostly a one sided conversation.  Seems to be friendly enough just odd.  I'm not used to people talking at me on the street, not selling things, not begging, just talking.  I think I have to go explore a bit more before I can share anything else.  Sorry no pictures yet but I promise to post some soon.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you made it safe and sound...Even if you posted on Nov. 30 and it is now Dec. 7 (I was super busy with concert stuff...but now it's over!). Can't wait to see pics and hear more soon. Xoxo, Emma
