Friday, November 30, 2012

First Impressions

I made it! I have arrived in Delhi after what feels like a million hours of traveling-legitimately it was around 19 hours just in the air.  To make it extra special I was on 2 overnight flights although they were only 2 hours apart.  I slept wonderfully on the first one which was 11 1/2 hrs but shockingly I was not tired again 2 hours later so I slept very little on the second flight which was 7 hours.  Basically, due to the tricks of time change I am presently exhausted.  No matter, I have checked into my hotel and after sharing a few short impressions with all of you I will head out to do some exploring and try to force myself to adapt to the right schedule.

So first impressions, and I mean VERY first impressions since I have been in the country for a grand total of 3 hours.  I'm not sure why this surprised me because it makes total sense but still I was super confused to realize they drive on the other side of the road here.  I know DUH-still it means your supposed to walk on the other side of the road as well, etc, etc.  However, this isn't a huge problem because I am noticing there seem to be no rules.  The highway was nice and orderly but the street I am staying on seems to be a free-for-all.  Pedestrians, cars, tuk-tuks, bikers are all in one big hot mess.  The chaos is rather fun in my dazed state of sleepiness.  From the second I left the hotel people started talking to me, they walk down the street with you and chat even if it is a mostly a one sided conversation.  Seems to be friendly enough just odd.  I'm not used to people talking at me on the street, not selling things, not begging, just talking.  I think I have to go explore a bit more before I can share anything else.  Sorry no pictures yet but I promise to post some soon.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Rough Itinerary

I have made a loose itinerary for the trip, however, as always with travelling there are a million and one variables that could cause it to change.  So although I am sharing this general overview, make sure you take it with a grain of salt.

Nov 29-Leave from SFO
Dec 1-Arrive in Delhi (yes it takes 2 days to actually get there)
Dec 3-travel to Agra (hello Taj Mahal!)
Dec 4 overnight train to Jaisalmer
Dec 7-head to Jodpor
Dec 9-Fly to Thiruvananthapuram (capital of the Kerala region)
Dec 13-Go to Madurai
Dec 15-Go to Ooty (on the edge of national nature preserves know for Tigers!)
Dec 19-Arrive in Bangalore
Dec 22 &23-Wedding festivities (in Bangalore)
Dec 24-Fly to Flagstaff AZ, USA (just in time to uphold our Christmas traditions)

The dates are rather arbitrary and will most likely change and the locations...well who knows.  I will be travelling with my friend Casey so unlike former journey's there are 2 people's whims to give into.  Also, I do not currently have my passport and visa and in hand.  Supposedly the Indian Government is currently deciding whether or not I am a suitable tourist.  This is rather nerve-wracking considering my departure date is less than 2 weeks away, eek! 

Must go pack, I'll post again from another continent!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

I'm going to India!

It is happening I am finally going to India!  Why now? 

1.  My fortune cookie said "you desire to discover new frontiers, it’s time to travel" and if you get a fortune that actually makes sense, it must be true!
2.  I finally have a permanent, full-time job which logically means dump everything and leave.
3.  I am turning 26 and discovered last November (when I travelled to Greece) that I quite enjoy this new tradition of treating myself to a birthday trip.
4.  Oh yeah, my dear friend Pooja is having a wedding celebration in Bangalore, India on 12/22 & 12/23
5.  Let's face it any opportunity to hop on a plane and fly somewhere exciting, I'M IN!  I've been known to get extreme bouts of wanderlust when I stay in one place too long. 

Generally, I am not a fan of blogs.  I think it is presumptuous and self-indulgent to assume that the entire world should wish to hear my personal thoughts on life or even one particular subject (sorry if I offended any of my wonderfully insightful friends who have blogs-not pertaining to you of course!).  So here is my justification for making one—I like easy practical mechanisms to be a good communicator.  Basically, pure convenience! I have no idea how much access to internet I will have along the way so I'd like to tell everyone I am alive at the same time!  I promise once I am safely home I will stop posting on the blog; at least until I am lucky enough to take another trip in the future. 
